Statement of good practices
Trabajos de Egiptología – Papers on Ancient Egypt defends, demands and guarantees ethical behaviour in all the stages through which the development of each issue passes until the final publication. Any unethical action is strictly prohibited.
The practice of presenting the same work or describing essentially the same research in more than one journal should be avoided. Submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes unethical behaviour that is difficult to justify.
The Editorial Board is especially attentive to the prevention of plagiarism.
Manifestly racist or sexist content, or any other that violates the fundamental rights of people, will not be accepted. Our code in this sense is based on the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, ALLEA, 2017.
Likewise, the journal recommends good practices on non-discrimination of sex in the source data of the investigations.
Authors must ensure the originality of the work that they submit. When materials that are not their own are used, the sources must be duly referenced and have the corresponding reproduction permission.
Trabajos de Egiptología accepts that the person appearing as author in the credits of the article is the intellectual responsible for the contribution and that he/she has the commitment to be available to collaborate with the editorial committee during the evaluation and publication process. The same situation is expected when the authorship is multiple. In this case, the journal understands that each author has participated to a sufficient degree to assume public responsibility for the content of the work and that their contribution has been essential in terms of: 1) the conception and design of the study, or collection of the data, or the analysis and interpretation thereof; 2) the writing of the article or the critical review of a substantial part of its intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. These three requirements must be fulfilled simultaneously.
The order in which the signatories of the works appear will depend on the decision that they jointly adopt.
Participation exclusively in fundraising or general supervision of the research group does not justify authorship. People who contribute to the work and who are not the authors should be cited in the acknowledgments section.
When an author detects an error or significant inaccuracy in his/her own published work, he/she must promptly notify the Editorial Committee or the Editorial Board of the journal and cooperate with them to proceed to correct the document.